Industry and knowledge transfer

Technology and CERN go hand in hand. A project like the Large Hadron Collider could only be built based on a remarkable deployment of cutting edge technology in CERN and in the member states.

The development of accelerators at CERN drives front-line R&D in diverse fields such as cryogenics, superconductivity, systems control, high field magnets etc. The detectors, which consist of up to hundreds of millions of active individual detector elements, drive developments in integrated electronics, solid state detectors, radiation resistant chips etc. forward.

The computing requirements have led to the deployment of GRID computing and storage. WWW was invented at CERN and has changed the world profoundly.

Big Science .dk er bindeleddet mellem dansk erhvervsliv og de større europæiske forskningsanlæg (Big Science anlæg), som Danmark er medlem af. støtter danske virksomheder og viden institutioner gennem:

  • Information og virksomhedsservice
  • Innovation og kompetenceudvikling

Matchmaking og netværksaktiviteter drives af Big Science Sekretariatet (BSS) på Teknologisk Institut og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. BSS finansieres af Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation med supplerende støtte fra Vækstforum Hovedstaden og Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling.